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Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation System (INRS)

One of our founding officers attended a presentation of the Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation System (INRS). http://www.reha.lviv.ua/emain.html This is a medical group in the Ukraine where they have a large facility devoted to solving CP today.

He points out the rich and powerful "Western world" or "first world" considers brain injury as untreatable. Yet the Ukraine, a poor country suffering from its place in history and geography, has a large facility devoted to solving CP today. They use computers and virtual reality tools to enhance manual therapies. The facility is backed by the state and is run by trained medical personnel. What’s wrong with this picture?

Here is a quick report of the presentation.


1) The therapeutic techniques have been developed by trained medical practitioners. They were both serious and conservative in their statements. This was no gathering of "new age" theorists.

2) They have apparently seen over 10,000 patients in over a dozen year . Their client base is roughly split between the Ukraine and Germany. Bavaria has even given them an award. I think only a handful of US has gone over.

3) There have been no negative side effects noted.

4) They make one claim. In the overwhelming number of patients they see a reduction in Spasticity. They apparently are aware of several invasive measurement techniques but currently use the Ashford method in measuring this.

5) If Spasticity reduction is combined with intense manual therapy new function has a chance of emerging and seizures are reduced.

6) They do not promise miracles.


1) They are from the Ukraine, distance, language, etc.

2) They have not collected data on seizure reduction, that is a mistake.

3) They do not promise miracles.

4) It is not cheap and requires going to the Ukraine for 2 weeks several times a year. I think it's about $5000 per couple including airfares.

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